Modern media can be a wonderful thing or a curse. When I heard through Facebook recently that a friend had passed away I was little concerned but as the story unfolded; it made more sense. You see, that friend was Ed Ward or Mystic Ed as he was known in around the West Midlands. Oh! the picture above is not Ed or Fluffy.
Not long after that, Ed found me via Facebook and called me. We chatted like we had known each other forever but that was Ed for you, so engaging. During the phone call, he gave me a few psychic messages but it was at this point his Aunty arrived with his mother in tow from the world of spirit.
For those mediums amongst you, you will know what I am talking about when I say it can be like getting blood out of a stone. Especially when you have a client sat in front of you demanding the sun, the moon and the stars. Not Ed's family.
These 2 ladies were there in all of their glory from the world of spirit and wanted to make themselves known to Ed. The details of that conversation shall remain private but I will say, Ed's mother was the only special lady in his life and as Ed put it himself, she was only ever in the next room. The phone conversation ended that day with an invite to Ed and Fluffy's home and Ed's words ringing in my ears 'Andrew, we will have to do something together one day. I am not sure what yet but it will come to me'.
On the day of my visit, my only regret was that I had promised to meet my wife for lunch and literally had to tear myself away. I felt like I had known Ed and Fluffy for years and as a coffee snob; Fluffy, nobody can touch you for 1st rate coffee.
You have heard the saying, 'they go hand in glove', that was these 2 characters. Any chance I got to listen to them, whether it be on the radio or in person, I took it. The icing on the cake was when they both accepted my invite to a small Demonstration of Clairvoyance I was performing.
Ed made me realise how easy it could be. I have often battled after a 'dem' about where I could have improved or what I could have done better but when Ed's Uncle Eric came through from spirit that night, it was a walk in the park because of Ed's openness and ease to work with. It was all the other buggers making life difficult.
That was Ed all over. So open, loving and giving but for all of his flamboyance and his extrovert dress code, he was an extremely private man. He did not want anybody to be told of his illness and his beloved Fluffy as Ed put it 'was always there when he needed him'
So what was the point about Facebook. Well, it can be the undoing of many people but it was the best way of Fluffy letting everybody know about Ed and everybody letting Fluffy know what they truly thought about Ed too.
I just want it to be said it was an honour to have been allowed to know you Ed and thank you for all your advice, since your passing.
Fluffy will be getting the coffee on again soon but you know that already. Just let me know when you have decided what it is we are meant to be doing together.
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