Saturday, 2 August 2014

We All Lace Our Shoes Differently

As we approach that time of year when we think about getting together with friends or family that we  have not seen or spoken to for sometime; many emotions are evoked within us. We may need to make travel plans or spend money we may not have to spare. We might even have to get together with people that we have deliberately avoided for a very good reason. This is all very negative indeed but we cannot help who we are. After all, we are only human and focusing on the negative is so much easier than the focusing on the positive aspects of a situation. We only have to pick up a newspaper, watch the news or listen to the conversations around us.
How many times have you also heard somebody say 'he /she annoys me because they are always so damn positive about everything'. Why not be positive about everything, it can only attractive positivity to you. Being negative has the same effect, it attracts negativity to you.
On this note, I was out shopping recently and had been having similar discussions with a friend, especially about being on a different wave length to other people and how my friends life had moved on so much and their friends and family were still doing what they had always been doing and in my friends opinion, they were in a rut. My friend was also dreading getting together at Christmas as she felt she no longer had anything in common with them - what would they discuss, in some case she had a difference of opinion about how they lived their lives. I could understand this point of totally.
Later that day, my friend was in one shop and I had gone to look for some new shoes as my old, comfortable shoes were falling off my feet. I normally know exactly what to buy but, strangely for me, there were so many shoes I liked, I was there for sometime. As I struggled to remove the paper from inside one pair of shoes, I then had to fight with the laces as I could not pull the shoes apart to try them on. I then decided to remove the laces totally and re-lace the shoes as I normally do it. That's better, I thought. Whilst bending down to tie the laces, I had a bit of a 'burning bush' moment. Either it was my inner self or a higher source, they might be one and the same, I hear you say. Either way I heard a voice simply say " We all lace our shoes differently Andrew but who is right. Does it change anything"? At the same time I know this metaphor was referring directly to the earlier conversations I had been having that day and it was so profound too. I am  not condoning breaking the law here but if you still have not got it yet, I was being told that no matter how we live our lives, who is doing it right and who is doing it wrong and who are we to judge as individuals. It is true that we judge others by our own standards and if we think for just one second before we do judge somebody, we might see their point of view too and not just our own.

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