Saturday, 2 August 2014

Wonderful World

Stood on the hillside opposite my house  early this morning, the sun was rising to my left. I felt touched by it, in all of Its glory.

Not only did I also feel touched by the beauty of the countryside around me but also the moon on the opposite of the hills dipping away to be greeted by fellow man on the other side of the world. Looking like a fading silver milk bottle top as the power of the sun gained momentum;  the moon bid me farewell.

How different was my life  now. Having decided that city life was not for me,  my wife and I had decided that we enjoy the freedom of open space and the feeling of not being part of the rat race. Perhaps this has always been the case.

After signing my life away to the RAF at the tender age of 19, I had already decided then that freedom is what I sought. In the distance I could see the small city of Lichfield with its staggering cathedral, a building that belies the size of the city itself, my mind wandered. Lichfield sits right next to the A38 which leads to Birmingham, the M6 and beyond. What sort of morning were others having. Was the world such a beautiful place to them at the same at that I was enjoying the peace and harmony that pervaded my inner sanctum.

You see, until you have truly felt at peace with yourself, those around you and the world at large, you can never really accept what goes on around you. Many have lifelong battles with illness, abuse (whatever form it may take) and the many other physical emotions we have to endure during our life’s journey. Many feel powerless, many feel controlled by others and unable to move forward or do not  know how to move forward and change their lives for the better.

One such lady contacted me for a reading earlier this year, she told me she was psychic and foresaw her husband’s death. 'Could I tell her when he will die', she asked? I told her I do not portend deaths as part of my work.

Suddenly I said to her, ‘you sound like you are under the stairs, could you speak up please’? She replied, ‘I am under the stairs, I do not want my husband to hear me for he will beat me again if he knows  I am seeking help’. ''Move on, move out', I said. I then reminded her that I could not tell her how to live her life but anything has got to be better than waiting for him to pass away and for her to suffer even more in the meantime.

How many of us will still be bemoaning our situation one year from now?

Often when I read for clients, I think that they sometimes think I have a magic wand, a device I can wave about and make problems go away. What if I did? What if I could fix things in a jiffy?

The movie ‘Click’ is built around that ideology, a remote control that allows us to fast forward through the bad bits of our lives just to the good bits. What are we learning though?  You have heard it said, we are on a journey, we are here to learn but then take these lessons back to spirit. How many of us might find ourselves back here in a few years to relearn what we did not make manifest the 1st/2nd/3rd time around.

I do say to clients who are looking for guidance that they hold the answers in the palm of their hand. Many  know what the answer is but (like the lady under the stairs) are too afraid to find out what it might be like to experience that new found sense of freedom and personal power. Fear of the unknown is what holds us back.

I might be making myself redundant here but sometimes, all it takes is for you to truly understand the power that you hold and follow your heart. Your heart is your souls’ way of talking to you and telling you which way to go but the physical brain is what stops us. Listen to your heart, follow your heart and you will not go wrong.

Let others judge you but what are they judging you by – their standards, perhaps? When you have arrived at your final destination or even just a resting place before the next leg of your journey; you too, might feel some of that inner peace that was intended for us all.

All you need to do is stop denying to yourself what you truly deserve. GO FOR IT. 

Where Have All The Beautiful People Gone?

Modern media can be a wonderful thing or a curse. When I heard through Facebook recently that a friend had passed away I was little concerned but as the story unfolded; it made more sense. You see, that friend was Ed Ward or Mystic Ed as he was known in around the West Midlands. Oh! the picture above is not Ed or Fluffy.

Ed and his partner Fluffy were often guests of Elizabeth Lee-Crowther  on her 'Spirit Calling' Radio Show at The Bridge Radio in Stourbridge. I was a phone guest and from the minute I spoke to Ed, he had me doubled up laughing. Whether it was his intention to be as funny as he was or he could not help himself, I warmed to him instantly.

Not long after that, Ed found me via Facebook and called me. We chatted like we had known each other forever but that was Ed for you, so engaging. During the phone call, he gave me a few psychic messages but it was at this point his Aunty arrived with his mother in tow from the world of spirit.

For those mediums amongst you, you will know what I am talking about when I say it can be like getting blood out of a stone. Especially when you have a client sat in front of you demanding the sun, the moon and the stars. Not Ed's family.

These 2 ladies were there in all of their glory from the world of spirit and wanted to make themselves known to Ed. The details of that conversation shall remain private but I will say, Ed's mother was the only special lady in his life and as Ed put it himself, she was only ever in the next room. The phone conversation ended that day with an invite to Ed and Fluffy's home and Ed's words ringing in my ears 'Andrew, we will have to do something together one day. I am not sure what yet but it will come to me'.

On the day of my visit, my only regret was that I had promised to meet my wife for lunch and literally had to tear myself away. I felt like I had known Ed and Fluffy for years and as a coffee snob; Fluffy, nobody can touch you for 1st rate coffee.

You have heard the saying, 'they go hand in glove', that was these 2 characters. Any chance I got to listen to them, whether it be on the radio or in person, I took it. The icing on the cake was when they both accepted my invite to a small Demonstration of Clairvoyance I was performing.

Ed made me realise how easy it could be. I have often battled after a 'dem' about where I could have improved or what I could have done better but when Ed's Uncle Eric came through from spirit that night, it was a walk in the park because of Ed's openness and ease to work with. It was all the other buggers making life difficult.

That was Ed all over. So open, loving and giving but for all of his flamboyance and his extrovert dress code, he was an extremely private man. He did not want anybody to be told of his illness and his beloved Fluffy as Ed put it 'was always there when he needed him'

So what was the point about Facebook. Well, it can be the undoing of many people but it was the best way of Fluffy letting everybody know about Ed and everybody letting Fluffy know what they truly thought about Ed too.

I just want it to be said it was an honour to have been allowed to know you Ed and thank you for all your advice, since your passing.

 Fluffy will be getting the coffee on again soon but you know that already. Just let me know when you have decided what it is we are meant to be doing together.

Desiderata - Max Ehrmann

 far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.

But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.

Especially, do not feign affection.

Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.

Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.

We All Lace Our Shoes Differently

As we approach that time of year when we think about getting together with friends or family that we  have not seen or spoken to for sometime; many emotions are evoked within us. We may need to make travel plans or spend money we may not have to spare. We might even have to get together with people that we have deliberately avoided for a very good reason. This is all very negative indeed but we cannot help who we are. After all, we are only human and focusing on the negative is so much easier than the focusing on the positive aspects of a situation. We only have to pick up a newspaper, watch the news or listen to the conversations around us.
How many times have you also heard somebody say 'he /she annoys me because they are always so damn positive about everything'. Why not be positive about everything, it can only attractive positivity to you. Being negative has the same effect, it attracts negativity to you.
On this note, I was out shopping recently and had been having similar discussions with a friend, especially about being on a different wave length to other people and how my friends life had moved on so much and their friends and family were still doing what they had always been doing and in my friends opinion, they were in a rut. My friend was also dreading getting together at Christmas as she felt she no longer had anything in common with them - what would they discuss, in some case she had a difference of opinion about how they lived their lives. I could understand this point of totally.
Later that day, my friend was in one shop and I had gone to look for some new shoes as my old, comfortable shoes were falling off my feet. I normally know exactly what to buy but, strangely for me, there were so many shoes I liked, I was there for sometime. As I struggled to remove the paper from inside one pair of shoes, I then had to fight with the laces as I could not pull the shoes apart to try them on. I then decided to remove the laces totally and re-lace the shoes as I normally do it. That's better, I thought. Whilst bending down to tie the laces, I had a bit of a 'burning bush' moment. Either it was my inner self or a higher source, they might be one and the same, I hear you say. Either way I heard a voice simply say " We all lace our shoes differently Andrew but who is right. Does it change anything"? At the same time I know this metaphor was referring directly to the earlier conversations I had been having that day and it was so profound too. I am  not condoning breaking the law here but if you still have not got it yet, I was being told that no matter how we live our lives, who is doing it right and who is doing it wrong and who are we to judge as individuals. It is true that we judge others by our own standards and if we think for just one second before we do judge somebody, we might see their point of view too and not just our own.

Change That Frequency - Change your life for good

Are you tired of the same old job, the same old places and even the same old faces? Again, what have you done about the evolving situations around yourself? Have you adapted or simply stood still? Remember the dinosaurs? Many of us are stuck in a rut but the real waking moment is when we do realise it and want to do something about it but we are not sure how. We might ask friends and family for their opinion or even just decide to take the plunge and hope for the best. Even the tiniest of changes can make a difference. The really bizarre thing is that when our loved ones offer their own take on our lives, we do not always welcome them ‘sticking their noses in’. Why then do we yearn for their help when they are physically no longer here? What next?

I know all too well. Only 6 years ago, I was an RAF Communications Officer stationed in Basra, Iraq, providing welfare communications for British Troops. Previously he was at RAF Lyneham and Joint Services Unit Corsham ensuring that the welfare communication in Iraq were working in the UK. Today I find myself providing communications of a different sort but every bit as important as those in Iraq.

What is even more remarkable is how this came about. Whilst in Iraq my life’s purpose changed direction. I was enjoying some rare time off when I happened upon a half buried, painted Dutch clog key ring in the sand, 3000 miles from home. So what, you ask? It is not by coincidence that my Grandfather was Dutch, in fact they both were. Not only that, my father had a restaurant named Clogs and even today, my mother, aged 70, still runs a pub and one wall in particular is adorned with Clogs, collected over the years during frequent trips from and to Dutch family.

During my find, I felt my Grandfather’s presence completely envelope me and Iam still convinced to this day that my grandfather was there that day reassuring me with his presence. But, it was upon my return home that I used his grandfather’s visitation as motivation to develop my mediumistic talents and pursue my dream. I had always been aware of the world of spirit but just got on with life. I took the bull by the horns and left the RAF after 23 years service. I worked briefly for my family before taking the plunge and committing totally to my new future.

The clue to moving forward and achieving your dreams is the belief that dreams are meant to come true, you have got to have an unshakeable belief in yourself. The universe always delivers but only if you firmly set your sights and do not waiver.

I spend much of my time helping other people who either want to connect to their loved ones or if, they too, are looking for some guidance about changing their own lives. I still have strong links with the military and for those of you who saw me on my Spiritual Awakenings tour will remember that old soliders often make their way to the front of the queue. On one occasion, I noticed a cane with a silver top. It very much resembled a cane that a Drill Sergeant might have. As soon as I picked it up, this gentleman told me that he had one of those for the parade ground and that he would be my 1st link that night. He was. It took me ages to get rid of him!! Even his daughter said he was like that when he was here.

I maintain that spirit really do touch our lives on a daily basis but not necessarily in such a profound way as they did in Iraq but you can take the odd short cut by coming to see. Take a look at my tour dates and see when I will be a theatre

Follow your Heart For It Will Never Let you Down

God talks to us through our heart and our heart is our soul and our soul knows where it needs to move onto next in order for it to grow or evolve.
How many times have we been in a certain situations where you have needed to say something to somebody? It may be as simple as you telling them what you really think about a situation, it might be that they have asked for your advice but you have not wanted to give it because you have a fear of hurting their feelings but you know you need to say something. You end up biting your tongue in the process. The battle is that your head is ruling your heart and all of that blood and matter is making millions of calculations and trying to rationalise everything out into a nice orderly fashion so that we can, as humans, understand it and make sense of it because that is what we do.  You do not need to be a rocket scientist to make everyday decisions about moving forward with your personal life.
God will not let his/her children down. Follow your heart, step into the abyss and let the love of God catch you and stop you from falling.

Expectation Management

Expectation Management is a term that sums up what I have to deal with as part of my work, either private readings or demonstrations of clairvoyance. Why do readings not work out? Why can we not read for certain people, what is going on?

For most people, if a reading is what they WANTED to hear about then it is deemed a bad reading reading by me. What however, if you are told what you NEEDED to hear and at the same time it is what you WANTED to hear about. 
I know that on certain occasions when I have received ‘nothing’ for a client, I have understood afterwards, perhaps months or years later why that was. I work with spirit and also the energy of clients. If that energy is not quite right, this also affects readings. Physical or psychological ill health all contribute towards these conditions. Spirit also has a huge part to play. If you are not in the 'right place'  to hear from spirit, they will not come through. 
Some clients think I have failed by not being able to read for them but I explain that they do not realise how they have helped me too. I was once at a Mind Body and Spirit Fayre and had performed a mini demonstration of clairvoyance. I was very pleased with myself, to say the least.
One lady came rushing out  saying she had been very impressed and would like a private reading from me. I knew I had a man from spirit with me and told her as such but I just could not get him to come forward enough to impart any information with any real value.
 This lady was looking more and more anxious as the reading moved along and then out of nowhere, I said to her (which is not the norm) “ I know I have a man with me who has given me all of the aforementioned information but refuses to divulge anything else. Who is it you are looking to connect with today?

“My husband” she replied. “ I know there is a problem here as I can sense the anxiety and tension within you and I feel somehow that this is a barrier to the communication”, I said. Without any warning, she burst into tears and said “that’s because I am so angry. We had a wonderful life planned, we had only been married a few years and we had only just begun our adventure when he took ill”.

The tears eventually subsided and as I held her hands, I said, “look, there is no point in me trying to provide a conventional reading. Why don’t we try this a different way and you just tell me about some of the happy times before he was ill. As the smile returned to her face as she relived those times, her husband glided in and overshadowed me totally so that as we chatted, I actually saw that it was ‘his hands’ holding hers rather than mine.

The really special part of this reading was that I did not need to provide evidence that he was there because I really felt as though he had stepped into my consciousness as well. 
I have also read for people and received nothing that would satisfy the hunger of the client in terms of evidence. I have called such readings to an end. 
Even for me, I have relatives I would love to hear from and some of them have never given me a message in nearly 30 years, it happens to us all. So there you have it.

 I am merely the telephone to the spirit world and such an awful lot rides on the communicator from spirit and the recipient. I have got to blend with the spirit communicator and the recipient too and you will know yourself you connect totally with some people and not at all with others.
Conversely some of the readings I have enjoyed the most have been with clients who have researched their family trees. The difference here is that that they have really looked into their family history and they know names, dates and places and when this happens and they keeping saying ‘Yes’, the readings zoom along and are a total joy.

Those are the readings that make my work such a joy but what would I learn anything if they were all like that?